Rewards and Sanctions

Rewards and Sanctions

We look to encourage children whenever we can. For Juniors, outstanding pieces of work are acknowledged by the presentation of Merit Cards in assembly. In the Pre-Prep, children are regularly sent to the head of Pre-Prep for congratulation. House Points are awarded for good work or good behaviour. For children in both the Pre-Prep and Junior forms, certificates are also awarded each half term for those gaining most points for their house. As children accumulate House Points throughout the year, they can earn Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates, which are awarded by the Headmaster in recognition of each child's contribution to the life of the school. Children are also publicly congratulated and thanked in assemblies for their successes in all areas of life. Parents are welcome to send in awards and certificates for presentation by the Headmaster during Monday’s assembly.

Missing or incomplete work or persistent failure to complete work to an appropriate standard is not acceptable and may lead to a ‘referral. A slip is completed by the teacher detailing the work to be completed or redone and this is then seen by the form teacher and sent home for the parents to sign.

The School expects the highest standards of behaviour from the children at all times. We aim to be a co-operative community where discipline is not overbearing and children are not afraid of humiliation. Rules are kept to a minimum and are based around consideration of others and the safety of all.

There is a system of yellow and red cards for poor behaviour and parents are informed of matters that are more serious or of problems that occur on a frequent basis. However, not every event is passed on to parents as it is important that children should be able to go home and leave problems behind them.

Yellow cards are a warning issued by teachers for low level misdemeanours. The incident is recorded on a yellow card and passed to the Deputy Head via the form teacher. At this stage, it may be that no further action is taken unless it is a repeat offence or a third yellow card within a term. At this point the Deputy Head will meet with the child and agree a suitable course of action and parents will be informed.

Red cards are for more serious incidents and will automatically lead to a meeting with the Deputy Head and parents will always be informed. Red cards will always involve some form of punishment such as community service, to allow the child to reflect on their behaviour.

The school does not allow corporal punishment in any form. The school reserves the right to suspend or permanently exclude pupils. This may happen if a child consistently misbehaves and, if after consultations with parents, no other course of action is seen to be available by the school. On very rare occasions, this course of action may result from a one off incident of a very serious nature.