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Congratulations to all Hereford Cathedral School Year 13 students on this year’s outstanding A-Level results.

Headmaster Dr Michael Gray said: “We are really delighted with another fantastic set of results this year, which is great testament to our Year 13 leavers. They have worked tremendously hard to achieve such a wonderful set of outcomes and these have translated into securing places at some of the world’s leading universities, including Oxford, Cambridge and LSE to name a few. More than one in five grades was an A* with so many students exceeding their expectations. Leaving school being real-world ready is at the heart of what we do, and the results that our students have achieved will play a key role in laying that foundation for the future.”

Two students are heading to Oxbridge. Noa S’s hard work paid off with an impressive 4 A*s in Physics, English Literature, Maths and Further Maths, securing his place at University of Oxford to study Maths and Philosophy. Isabel C’s outstanding results – A* in English, A* in Latin, and A in History – have earned her a spot at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge where she will pursue a degree in History.

Noa said “The support has been amazing here at HCS, it’s really helped me make the best of my potential. Dr Ellis ran sessions to help me with my maths interview for Oxford and all of my teachers really went above and beyond.”

Isabel was grateful to her teachers for all of their help and summed up HCS in three words – “Inspiring, busy and wonderful!”

Among the 12 students who achieved all A*/A grades was Grace M-G with A*s in Biology, Chemistry and English Literature. She said: “I feel really proud of myself, and I’m super happy that all the hard work paid off. My plan is to hopefully study Medicine next year.”

Also celebrating were Joseph P who gained A*AA and a place to read History at The University of Manchester, Kemi A who achieved a clean sweep of As in Maths, History, Economics and an EPQ, and Oliver F who is heading to Exeter University with As in Psychology, Economics and History. Kemi has secured a place at London School of Economics.

Our Art and Textiles students achieved an incredible 100% A*-B grades this year. Special congratulations to Hannah C, Madeleine C, Alice S and Emily W-C, who all earned A* grades in their art subjects.

We are thrilled to see several of our talented students taking their art to the next level. Alice R, who achieved both an A* in Fine Art and a B in Textile Art, will be pursuing Fashion Textiles at UWE Bristol. Tiranke T, who joined us as an international boarder from Guinea and wowed us with her own fashion garments at the HCS Fashion Show this year, also has plans to study Fashion. Meanwhile, Ella N, who earned an A in Fine Art, is heading to Manchester Metropolitan University to study the UAL Foundation Diploma in Art & Design.

There was outstanding success in this year’s BTEC Sport results, with 100% of students achieving the top grades of Distinction and Distinction* – the equivalent of A* and A grades at A-Level. These remarkable achievements pave the way for students to progress confidently to their universities of choice.

One of the standout students, George K, is thrilled to be beginning his professional rugby career with Gloucester Rugby. Reflecting on his time at HCS, George shared: “Throughout my journey to being selected for England U18s and signing with Gloucester, the School has been flexible with my schoolwork, helping me to stay on track. The Sports Department has been great, offering guidance, lunchtime training sessions, and tailored morning ADP sessions. They even helped me stay involved during injuries and supported me with having external coaches, physios, and medical staff in to help.”

Meanwhile, Bronwen D is setting out on her journey to become a doctor thanks to her exceptional results. She achieved an impressive three A*s in Biology, Chemistry and French, with her hard work and dedication earning her a place at Newcastle University, where she will be studying Medicine. She also achieved an A grade in A/S Latin. Reflecting on her time at HCS, Bronwen said: “The support I’ve received here has been incredible. At HCS you just get a really personal approach. There’s always loads of time for each and every student, and we’re really, really lucky to have teachers that genuinely care about every single pupil.”

This year’s Heads of School were also celebrating. Isabelle M achieved A* grades in Chemistry and Maths, and an A in French, and shared: “There’s been so much support that I’ve received here from all of the teachers, but also all of your friends around you. There’s a really great environment here that everyone wants to do better.” She is planning to enjoy a gap year before continuing her Chemistry studies at The University of Edinburgh. Will C achieved A*BB in his A-Levels while also pursuing his interest in the politics of Northern Ireland, which earned him an A grade in his Extended Project Qualification.

In addition to those heading to top universities in both the UK and abroad, several students are following diverse pathways, including careers in the military and the police force. These impressive results reflect our commitment to academic excellence and to preparing our students for their futures.