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Hereford Cathedral School Headmaster Dr Gray has been tasked with a near-impossible decision in recent weeks: which pupil’s design to choose from all of the entries into this year’s Headmaster’s Christmas Card Competition.

After much deliberation, Dr Gray eventually plumped for Year 9 pupil Sophie L-P’s fantastic design. The beautiful image depicts a donkey wrapped in a blue and gold scarf, following the Star of Bethlehem.  

Sophie and head

Card 2023


Headmaster Dr Gray commented: “There were some wonderful designs submitted, but Sophie’s was the stand-out.  In addition to it being excellent artwork, it also blended together the Christmas story with an HCS theme, which was imaginative and innovative in equal measure.”

Sophie said she was really pleased to be picked as this year’s winner.

Many thanks to all those pupils who took the time to enter the competition. The Headmaster was really impressed with the quality of artwork.