Academic attainment is the cornerstone of Hereford Cathedral School Sixth Form – and every summer we are proud to invite our young people onto Old Deanery Lawn to celebrate A-Level and BTEC results that consistently surpass all national averages.

Our Sixth Form students’ fantastic achievements are testament to their talent, hard work and grit. They also reflect the nurturing, tailored and personalised teaching of our dedicated HCS staff, who create a dynamic learning environment, set the bar high and see their students exceed expectations.


Over the past five years, our young people have demonstrated excellence across the board with A-Level results well above national averages:

51.4% OF ALL GRADES A* - A
75.5% OF ALL GRADES A* - B
91.9% OF ALL GRADES A* - C
A-Level Results 2023 | Hereford Cathedral School
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Armed with exceptional results – alongside all the other benefits of a rounded HCS education – our alumni leave us ready to take on their future challenges at some of the most exciting higher education destinations in the UK and beyond.

I would sum up my experience at HCS in three words: exciting, inspiring and memorable!

Keira T, now studying Material Science & Engineering at University of Sheffield

It’s been absolutely wonderful to spend my time at HCS and they’ve been motivating and have helped me to succeed the entire way through my journey.

Ioan O, now reading History at Magdalen College, University of Oxford

I’ve absolutely loved studying at HCS. The support has been second to none; one-to-one whenever you need it and the teachers have been really supportive and understanding of any circumstance, and just really tried to make you thrive.

Minnie A, now reading English Literature at University of Bristol

With subject teachers, Heads of Department, Form Tutors, Heads of Year and our Head of Futures, our students have a dedicated team supporting them from day one in Year 12 through to A-Level Results day and beyond. Each year, with our support, we see students taking up places at Oxbridge, Russell Group and QS top 100 universities, leading drama schools and renowned conservatoires – alongside apprenticeship pathways, entry into the Armed Forces and rewarding employment for those who are ready to embrace the professional world.