At Hereford Cathedral School, our vibrant activities timetable lets pupils discover and explore passions beyond their academic pursuits.

Before, after and during the school day, we offer a full programme of activities for mind and body. Pupils can sharpen their subject knowledge with a Physics drop-in or Maths clinic, master a new skill-set at Computing Club or learn to form a cogent argument at our lively Debating Society.

Other lunchtime opportunities include Chess, Cubing and Warhammer Clubs, La Société Française and our Eco Committee. After school, pupils can further develop their sporting prowess at our training sessions for team and individual sports, including professionally coached rowing on the River Wye.

Duke of Edinburgh

When the academic school day ends, many of our students work towards their Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards. We take an active role in supporting our young people, and believe DofE is an invaluable opportunity for them to take the initiative and push themselves, whether that means digging deep to complete a walking expedition or giving back to the local community through a work placement or volunteering role.

Combined Cadet Force

Our long-established Combined Cadet Force – one of the oldest in the UK – imparts countless life lessons. Enjoyed by all pupils in Year 9 and continued into Year 10 and beyond by many, the CCF offers unmatched opportunities for developing exceptional leadership skills.

Pupils build qualities like self-reliance, collaboration and decision-making under pressure through their weekly training sessions and regular camps for Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force sections. Membership of our CCF brings once-in-a-lifetime opportunities in the UK and abroad from climbing, gliding and parachuting to piloting a plane.

Clubs & Activities at Hereford Cathedral School

Our extensive list of clubs and activities varies each year, but usually includes:

Lunchtime & After School Clubs

Sports Clubs

Music Groups