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Hereford Cathedral School students have enjoyed outstanding successes again in today’s A-Level results, with over two thirds of all grades awarded A*/A (or the equivalent) and almost three quarters of all students securing nothing less than a B grade in their exams.

This summer’s results have been impressive across the board, with excellent outcomes in all departments including Maths and the Sciences, the Arts, languages and the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification).

This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher-assessed grades, against a national standard, and were approved and awarded by the exam boards.

Outstanding individual achievements include Will P and Polly S, both of whom will be heading to Cambridge University this autumn. The pair have scooped ten A* grades between them.

A-Level results 2021


Will and Polly


Will P (above, left) who gained a clean sweep of A*s in Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Further Maths and Music, will read Natural Sciences, while Polly S (above, right) will be studying Classics having achieved 4 A*s in English Literature, Latin, Maths and Spanish. She had previously achieved an A* in A-Level French which she took in Year 10.

Polly said: “I joined HCS in Year 7. All the teachers have been so lovely and I’ve especially enjoyed coming into Sixth Form. It’s been really nice to have people caring about you.”

Will added: “It’s been really good here and my teachers have been really helpful – and they let me do five A-Levels which was nice!”

A further nine pupils also achieved all A* grades, including Liberty M who gained the top grade in Art, Biology, Chemistry and Maths. Along with Isobel P (A*A*A), Jake H (A*A*A*), and Laura B (A*A*A), Liberty has won a place to study medicine at university.


Medics 2021


Liberty, who alongside her studies competes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has held the title of European Jr Jiu-Jitsu Champion, will miss how close she has felt to her teachers and fellow pupils: “The thing I’ll always remember about HCS is the sense of community here. I’ve really enjoyed having a year group where you know everyone and everyone supports each other.”

Fellow medic Laura B joined the school in Year 9 and has thrown herself into all aspects of school life alongside her academic work, becoming a Cadet Head of Section in the CCF and Chairman of the Debating Society. She said: “The extra-curricular is what has made this school for me. When I came into the school I would never have considered joining CCF but I’ve loved it and the same with debating. They’ve been amazing – I think they’ve been really important in terms of leadership and working with other people.”

After a Gap year, Laura will study Medicine at Cardiff University and has her sights set on an interesting career ahead: “I’m really interested in aid work in medicine so I think that’s something I’d really like to go and do.”






Alongside outstanding A-Levels results, Hereford Cathedral School pupils have also achieved fantastic grades in the EPQ (Extended Project Qualifications). Tom C, Tom B and Mia W gained A*/A*/A, respectively, for their efforts.

The EPQ offers students the opportunity to extend their love of learning with the chance to study an area of their choice. For Tom B (A*A*A*A*), this meant extending his interest in computing to app design: “In my EPQ I developed an app called Work Out Your Workout, and I published it to the Google Play Store. It’s basically all about helping people work out their work-out plans during lockdown.”

The arts subjects have also seen an excellent set of results. One exceptional drama student, Alfie J, joined the school in Sixth Form and has won himself a place at the prestigious Mountview Academy – one of the most sought-after drama schools in the UK.

Alfie credits the School’s teachers with putting him on the right path for his hoped-for future career: “Thousands apply [to Mountview] and 35 people get in so I feel really lucky to have got a place. I joined HCS into the Sixth Form and I’m so grateful to the arts teachers especially. I wouldn’t have been able to go to Mountview without their support.”

Bethan G, who achieved two D*s (distinction *) in Sport BTEC (equivalent to two A-Levels) and an A in Art Textiles, is similarly grateful for her teachers’ support and encouragement: “I’ve been here since Nursery all the way through. It’s hard to put it into words but I’ve loved every single bit of being at HCS. The amount of support that we’ve had from our teachers has been amazing and the idea that we can just go up to them at any time has been brilliant.”

She added: “I’m so happy! I really enjoyed the creative aspect of both my subjects and now I’m going on to Cardiff Met to do Sport, PE & Health.”

Overall, the school are impressed with their students’ achievements. Paul Smith, Headmaster, congratulated the students on their endeavours through what has been a challenging period: “The last 18 months have been a particularly challenging time for pupils and staff. Today’s results are a testament to the determination and resilience of pupils, and the hard work and professionalism of staff in adapting to the various demands of remote teaching.

“I congratulate all pupils and staff for the A-Level, EPQ and BTEC results today and commend them all for their endeavours during these exceptional times.”

