
A Brief Guide for Parents

Make sure that your child has

· A quiet place to work with good lighting

· A regular time for homework

· Homework diary

Questions to ask your child

· What is your homework today?

· Is it written down in your homework diary?

· Is the assignment clear?

· When is it due?

· Do you need any help planning the work?

Other ways to help

· Do not do the work for your child! The teacher needs to see whether or not your child can do the work.

· Help your child with a few problems to make sure they understand their assignments without actually doing their work.

· Look over the homework but do not correct it.

· Check with the teacher or form teacher if your child regularly says they have no homework.

· Contact the teacher or write a note in the homework diary if you have any concerns about how your child is doing the homework. Often teachers are not aware of problems until it is too late to correct them.

· Look at the teacher comments on completed homework and discuss them with your child.

· Praise your child for the hard work they are doing whatever their grades.