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Hereford Cathedral School pupils, alumni, parents and staff gathered for an afternoon of netball in honour of the forthcoming retirement of Mrs Marnie Wooderson. She will be hanging up her netball whistle for the last time this year, after 34 years on the Gwynne Street court. 

The sun shone as five teams played a round robin of netball matches on the no-mow and in the sports hall. There was great camaraderie on display from all players, with a team of recent Old Herefordians being the overall winners.

Mrs Wooderson joined HCS back in 1985, when she was known as Miss Sharp. During her tenure, she has coached well over 50 netball teams, alongside her main role in the HCS English department. 

Mrs Wooderson said: “It was lovely to see so many former students and share memories of HCS. That so many of them are still playing netball is particularly pleasing. I was touched that former staff made the effort to come and support, making me remember how many colleagues have become friends over the years.

“I shall miss the pupils who have mostly been funny, warm, curious. I will miss the staff who are professional, intelligent, friendly, and miss the sense of satisfaction when students achieve something they are proud of. The HCS ethos of tolerance, friendliness and co-operation has remained undiminished and I have been very lucky to have spent my career here,” she added.

Mrs Wooderson will be missed by all at HCS.

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