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Today, Hereford Cathedral School has today launched episode 4 of the School’s education podcast series – HCS: Helping Children Succeed.

In this epsiode, Dr HCS Headmaster Gray talks with Professor Carl Gombrich, Academic Lead and Head of Learning at LIS – The London Interdisciplinary School about the increasing relevance of interdisciplinary education in preparing young people for a world that is changing at an exponential rate.

Professor Gombrich makes a convincing argument for the need for young people to continue studying a range of subject areas beyond A-Level.

Carl Gombrich

Carl Gombrich



Dr Gray commented: “I am absolutely delighted that we can provide a platform for discussion and debate on what it means to be real-world ready. I am confident that these podcasts will be really useful to parents and educators as we support our children to succeed in a rapidly changing world.”

The podcast is available on Apple PodcastsSpotify and Anchor.