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Congratulations to Hereford Cathedral School’s U13A netball team, who won the recent county tournament. The squad won their group convincingly, beating Whitecross 19-0, John Masefield 13-0, Kingstone 12-0 and Weobley 14-1 in 12-minute games.

They met Bishops in the semi-final, beating them 5-2. They went on to beat Lucton 11-2 in the final. 

The whole squad played exceptionally well and it was a fitting end to a very good season. Well done to Lily C, Molly S, Phoebe B, Olivia T, Annabelle W, Greta D, Bea M and Alice M. 
The B team also competed in the A tournament and fought well, winning against Fairfield and John Kyrle and losing two games against Bishops and St Mary’s. 

Well done to both teams.