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Twenty Hereford Cathedral School female Boat Club members are recovering after raising over £2,200 in their 24-hour Ergo Challenge at the weekend.

The girls rowed through the night on Saturday to raise funds for former HCS pupil Kiko Matthews, who aims to beat the World Record for the fastest woman to row solo across the Atlantic.

The girls, aged 13-18, braved freezing conditions to help Kiko raise £100,000 for King’s College Hospital, who saved her life after she was diagnosed with Cushing’s Disease in 2009.

The girls were joined on the ‘guest Ergo’ by MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire Jesse Norman, HCS Head of RS Mr Scot, among others. And following a £50 pledge from Mr Priday, Mr Jackson duly stepped in to help out the Ergo Challenge girls.


Jesse Norman helps out the girls #HCSErgoChallenge

Mr Jackson #HCSErgoChallenge


On Saturday evening, HCS acapella ensemble AcaFella offered encouragement by singing from the balcony in Bewell Square.

By the end of the challenge at 10am on Sunday, the girls looked thoroughly exhausted, aching and blistered. Special mention must go to tag team Holly S and Ellie D who kept one machine going between them for the entire 24 hours.





HCS Head of Rowing Mrs Fowler said: “There are no words to describe how hard the girls worked over the weekend. Rowing, collecting money, helping with food, constantly working as a team and all without any complaining despite the tiredness! Thank you all for your support and please keep the fundraising campaign going!” 

Later, Kiko tweeted: “Girls you were amazing. Can not believe how well you @all@did. Next stop the Atlantic!”


#HCSErgoChallenge Kiko Matthews


There is still time to donate: visit the group’s JustGiving page to make a donation.