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After receiving dozens of entries into this year’s Christmas card competition, Hereford Cathedral School Headmaster, Dr Gray has picked a winner.

Congratulations to Year 7 pupil, Lydia K, whose wonderful design, crafted from different materials in a collage effect, caught the Headmaster’s eye.

Lydia and Headmaster


The Headmaster commented: “Out of all the decisions that I make as Headmaster, choosing the annual Christmas card is definitely one of the toughest! There was such a wonderful range of artwork demonstrating so much imagination, talent and thought. Lydia’s design stood out for me because of the way that she blended the real meaning of Christmas and the incarnation of the Saviour with our own local environment and beautiful Cathedral.”

Well done to Lydia, and many thanks to all the pupils across the school who entered the competition. The quality of entries was outstanding.

Below is a gallery of some of the other entries into this year’s competition.
