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As we think about Advent and look forward to Christmas, Hereford Cathedral Junior School is launching ‘Nine Days of Giving’.

Starting on Friday 1 December, the idea of Nine Days of Giving is that, whilst the children open the windows of their advent calendars at home, we bring in items to donate to charity.

Each day the items will be placed in one of the windows at the rear of Number 28, overlooking the playground. Thus we will be filling advent windows at school, while emptying them at home!

On Friday, the first of the Nine Days of Giving, we will be welcoming donations of old shoes for UNICEF, with a different charity chosen to benefit on each of the subsequent eight days (see the full list below).

Please do not feel that your child needs to contribute to every one of the nine days; you may wish to look through the list with your children and choose those that particularly resonate with you and your family. 


Our song below lists some ideas of items you may wish to donate – further details can be found via the links you will find in the list below. Also, if for example you choose to contribute tins for the food bank, please do not feel you need to supply five tins simply because the song reads ‘five tins of food’.
On the first day of giving, we think of all the children, and give UNICEF some old shoes.
On the second day of giving, we think of all the homeless, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes to keep a child safe.
On the third day of giving, we think of those who’re ill, three tubs of play dough, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes to keep a child safe.
On the fourth day of giving, we turn to animals, four dog treats, three tubs of play dough, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes to keep a child safe.
On the fifth day of giving, the food bank is our aim, five tins of food, four dog treats, three tubs of play dough, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes to keep a child safe.
On the sixth day of giving, we fill up our back packs, six shiny pens, five tins of food, four dog treats, three tubs of play dough, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes to keep a child safe.
On the seventh day of giving, Oxfam is on the list, seven books recycled, six shiny pens, five tins of food, four dog treats, three tubs of play dough, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes to keep a child safe.
On the eighth day of giving, we think of the Red Cross, eight films or CDs, seven books recycled, six shiny pens, five tins of food, four dog treats, three tubs of play dough, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes to keep a child safe.
On the ninth day of giving, we think of refugees, nine shower gels, eight films or CDs, seven books recycled, six shiny pens, five tins of food, four dog treats, three tubs of play dough, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes to keep a child safe.

In Monday’s assembly this week, Suvaja J (Head of the Junior School) spoke about her favourite of the charities: “I chose shower gel for refugees. The charity People in Motion collect donations and give them to those in need. They provide support to displaced people. I chose this because I feel that everyone should feel proud and safe in their body, knowing and feeling clean. I particularly chose this because I don’t think people realise how lucky they are, having showers and baths so many times a week. You may also donate shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, Vaseline, lip balm and other toiletries.”

Junior School Vice-captain Lisable G added: “If I were to choose a Nine Days of Giving charity, I would choose UNICEF because I feel that every child should have a chance at going to school. You see, when you give in your old or new pair of shoes, UNICEF exchanges them for money to buy a child an education and hot meals. Over 500 Clark’s stores have been working in partnership with UNICEF since 2008 and have therefore helped over 190 countries. This is why I have chosen UNICEF.”