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Not many 13-year-olds can say they have achieved Grade 8 on the violin, but Hereford Cathedral School pupil Fred M can.

The Year 9 pupil recently received the results of his exam, and was delighted to have achieved a high distinction: 143 out of 150. 

Fred, who has been playing the violin since the age of 6, is a member of the HCS Symphony Orchestra and string quartet. Out of school, he plays with The Gwent Youth Orchestra, and is due to start at Birmingham Junior Conservatoire later this month.

HCS Director of Music Mr David Evans commented: “Fred is an outstanding young musician with an exceptional ear. He should be highly commended for this considerable achievement. I applaud all the focus and hard work that he has put in and likewise that of his teacher.”

Click below to watch Fred perform Number 6, Mărunțel, from Bartók’s Romanian Folk Dances. The final three movements comprised one of his Grade 8 pieces.