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Hereford Cathedral School pupils are invited to enter a competition to design a flag for each of the School’s four houses.

The person behind the idea for the competition is Year 9 pupil and flag enthusiast, Edward T, who has been interested in vexillology – the study of the history and usage of flags – for many years.

Pupils are invited to design a flag for their house of either Cornwall, Somerset, Langford or Stuart. The winning flag designs will be flown with pride on big school events such as sports days. Edward hopes that the house flags will foster a sense of pride among the pupil body. He said: “The pupil who wins, their design will represent their house for decades to come, so it will give inspiration to the pupil body.” Edward is pictured above with flag of his own design.

According to Edward, a good flag design should be made up of two to three colours, and should be simple enough that a child should be able to draw it.

The pupil who wins, their design will represent their house for decades to come, so it will give inspiration to the pupil body
Edward T, HCS flag competition organiser


Senior Deputy Head, Mr Blyth, commented: “To have bespoke house flags, designed by pupils, that will become part of the history of the School, is really exciting. Edward initiated this idea and has supported the process with expert advice throughout – and all credit to him for doing that.”

Edward will be judging the HCS flag design competition, which closes on Friday 8 March. Entries can either be handed in to Old Deanery Reception or emailed to

Good luck!