At HCS, we strive to provide exceptional opportunities to as many children as possible, regardless of their financial background. Once they join our community, we are dedicated to offering the highest quality education, enriched with diverse activities and experiences. You can help us achieve these goals by contributing to our Bursary Fund and Annual Fund Programmes. Your support makes a significant difference in the lives of our students.
Offering a Hereford Cathedral School education to a student who might not otherwise be able to access one is one of the greatest gifts you can give.
While we are committed to granting as many means-tested bursaries as possible, the growing demand for this financial aid means we rely on the generosity of our alumni and friends for donations to build our bursary fund.
The bursary awarded to my family afforded me an education and wealth of opportunity that would otherwise have been unattainable. I am forever indebted to those who funded the scheme.
Since our Bursary Fund Appeal began in 2012, we have been overwhelmed by the kindness of our donors. But it is only by growing this fund that we can ensure as many children as possible are able to enjoy the opportunities of HCS, regardless of their financial background.
Thanks to HCS’s registered charity status, it’s easy to donate in a number of different ways – from an online payment to the easyfundraising app – while depending on your circumstances, there may be tax advantages for both the School and the donor. From a one-off sum to small monthly contributions, rest assured that each donation is equally appreciated and every penny helps transform futures.
We are ambitious about delivering the very best education possible for our students and the projects in our Annual Fund programme reflect that. We are grateful for all donations, large and small, and thank you for considering becoming a supporter of our Annual Fund.
Contact our Development Office

Contact Mrs Lucy Debenham
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Contact Mrs Helen Pearson
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