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A group of Hereford Cathedral School Sixth Formers hosted a Classics workshop for adults with learning disabilities last week.

Herefordshire charity ECHO’s storytelling group visited the Powell Theatre for the event, which encouraged an open and lively discussion about issues raised by Greek playwright, Euripides, who was challenging audiences with his controversial Medea, 2,500 years ago.

The workshop dissolved barriers and enabled the two groups to come together in a truly joyous celebration of the magic of theatre and the rights and wrongs of relationship break-up, revenge and murder.

ECHO representative Denise Kerwood said: “It was very special: we saw what could happen when adults who have learning disabilities are given an opportunity to work with younger, non-disabled people.” She added: “We had a tremendous time. It was brilliant to work with [HCS Classics teacher] Mrs de Souza and the students, who were amazing.”

The Sixth Formers’ interaction with the group was outstanding. HCS would like to thank the following pupils for taking part: Will B, Harvey G, Lewis G, Cate H, Natalya S and Huw T, plus Owen Cowden, OH.

Classics workshop with ECHO storytelling group

Classics workshop with ECHO storytelling group

Classics workshop with ECHO storytelling group