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Congratulations to Hereford Cathedral School Year 13 art scholar, Liv T, whose beautiful design has been selected as the winning entry in this year’s Headmaster’s Christmas Card Competition.

From dozens of entries, Headmaster Dr Gray picked Liv’s charming watercolour painting, which features a group of choristers gathered next to the Ascension Window in Hereford Cathedral, to adorn his first Headmaster’s Christmas card.

The Headmaster commented: “I was tremendously impressed by the number of pupils who produced entries for the Christmas card competition and grateful to them for the time and care that they demonstrated. I was delighted to see both the quality of the artwork and the breadth of ideas on show. Inevitably, it was difficult to distinguish between such superb entries, but I particularly appreciated Liv’s design. For me, it blended together the real meaning of Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Christ and also our Cathedral Foundation and choral tradition. Additionally, the intricacy of the artwork was very impressive.”

Winner Liv commented on her win: ““I’m very glad to have won the Christmas card competition. I wanted to share the musical aspect of our school and the support the SAS has given us through the depiction of the Ascension Window.”

Well done to Liv, and many thanks to all the pupils across the school who entered the competition. Below is just a small selection of entries into the competition.