Why was it that the founders of the Cathedral at the end of the Seventh Century also thought it so important to establish a school? Their mission, all those years ago, remains ours today. Hereford Cathedral School’s purpose is to grow people, transform lives and shape futures.

This is why we exist and what motivates each of us to get out of bed in the morning. It is a remarkable privilege and a solemn responsibility to work in partnership with families to deliver a values-based, future-oriented, and life-transforming education which prepares those in our care to be real-world ready and to thrive in a rapidly-changing world.


Many schools, businesses, and organisations have a set of values hanging on the wall which are very detached from the ethos, culture and day-to-day decision making. At Hereford Cathedral School our three values underpin everything that we do and are the moral and ethical touchstone which determine the behaviours we exhibit, the choices we make, and the things that we consider important. By definition, our values therefore simultaneously determine the behaviours which we shun, the choices we reject, and the things that we consider unimportant. After all, if everything is a priority, then nothing is. Ultimately, our values constitute who we, and what we stand for.

As a Cathedral School, our values are aligned with the tenets of the Christian faith, while also being universal to the betterment of all society.




In articulating our values with clarity, prospective families and prospective staff can judge whether this is a community of which they want to be a part. An alignment on these three core values plays an important role in selecting which pupils are admitted to the School and which colleagues are employed.  Values also underpins how we exercise discipline within the School; they are not abstract concepts, but principles which are lived out in the day-to-day decisions and actions that we take.


While we have a long and venerable history, our eyes are firmly fixed upon the future with an ambitious and crystal-clear vision of what we want to achieve and who we want to be.

To deliver the very best academic outcomes and post-18 destinations

To ensure every pupil leaves real-world ready and is equipped for the future

To be pupils of outstanding moral character who lead and serve their communities