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Congratulations to Stuart House, winners of this year’s House Shout competition. Their rendition of ‘At the Name of Jesus’ earned them the top spot in this much-loved school event.

Adjudicated by Miss Toolan, Head of Music at the Junior School, the competition saw stellar performances from all four houses. Stuart House’s winning performance was praised for its precise harmonies and disciplined presentation.

The other houses also impressed with their hymn choices:

Cornwall House: ‘Shine Jesus Shine’
Langford House: ‘God is Our Strength and Refuge’
Somerset House: ‘Tell Out My Soul’

Cornwall’s vibrant energy, Langford’s strong, confident vocals and Somerset’s emotional resonance each left a mark on the competition.

Stuart House members were thrilled with their achievement.

The House Shout competition remains a highlight of the Hereford Cathedral School calendar, celebrating musical talent and fostering school spirit. Congratulations once again to Stuart House for their outstanding performance.