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Hereford Cathedral Choir will today be taking part in a high-profile service in France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The choir has been invited to sing in the Service of Thanksgiving organised by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission at Bayeux Cathedral. The service will be attended by HRH The Princess Royal, veterans, their families and international VIPs.

Tomorrow, the choir will give a short performance in the Basilica of Sainte-Thérèse de Lisieux, and later that day will sing Choral Evensong in L’église St-Pierre de Caen.

Dr Michael Gray, Headmaster, said: “It is such a privilege for our Choristers to be singing at this poignant and historic occasion. This is no doubt something that they will never forget.

“The significance of D-Day and the level of sacrifice that was made transcends description, and both the Cathedral and School are so delighted that the Choristers are able to make such an important contribution to the commemorations.”

The choir’s previous visit to Normandy in 2019 for the 75th anniversary was an unforgettable and moving experience for our choristers.