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Hereford Cathedral Junior School Year 2 pupils made an intriguing discovery when they were walking by the Elgar statue on the Cathedral Close.

Something caught one of the pupils’ eye: sitting at Elgar’s feet was a small rock, painted to look like a pretty cottage.

On closer inspection, the reverse of the stone said ‘Post a pic on Facebook – Herefordshire Rocks, then rehide me’.

It transpires that dozens of other painted rocks have been secreted across the county by Herefordshire Rocks, a Facebook movement whereby stones are painted and left somewehere to be found. Those who make the discovery are urged to post a picture on Facebook and then hide the rock in a new location.

It was great fun for our pupils to be a part of this online movement. We can’t wait to find out who finds the cottage rock!

Rock at Elgar's feet

Reverse of rock