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To celebrate 10 years of Hereford Cathedral School’s Cantabile Girls’ Choir, past and current members came together for a celebratory anniversary concert and supper.

Many pupils who have moved on from HCS and Cantabile returned to sing again under the baton of the choir’s Director Mrs Jo Williamson. The girls had certainly not lost their touch; their sound was pure class right from the start. The past choir members focused on their favourites from the last 10 years, while today’s Cantabile members sang their current pieces and their shared ensemble moments.

The large audience, who had enjoyed a pre-concert supper at the Café @All Saints Church Hereford, settled down to an evening of beautifully crafted choral song and some stunning solo performances from former choir members, many of whom are studying music at university, and present pupils who had achieved great success in the Herefordshire Festival just days before.  

Indeed, the audience had so much enjoyed the concert that, led by Headmaster Paul Smith, they were moved to serenade the choir in a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday to round off the evening.

Earlier in the day, Cantabile members past and presents gathered at HCS for a pre-concert rehearsal with Mrs Williamson. There was even a birthday cake to mark the choir’s 10 years.


Cantabile 10th birthday

Cantabile 10th birthday

Cantabile 10th birthday