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Hereford Cathedral School students celebrated excellent GCSE results today, with over half of all exams awarded the highest grades of 9-7, and a remarkable third of all grades at 9-8 (A* equivalent). 

Twelve exceptional pupils achieved all 9-7 (A*/A) grades and nearly a third of all pupils achieved nothing less than a 6 (B grade equivalent). 

Results in the sciences were outstanding with over three-quarters of grades achieved in Biology, Chemistry and Physics at grade 7 or above (the equivalent of grade A and above). Of the pupils taking Further Maths this year, 100% achieved grade B and above, with over 70% of grades achieved at the very top grades A^/A*/A.

The Art Department continues to excel with 70% at nothing less than a grade 7 (A). Similarly, Latin grades were remarkable with almost 60% of all results at grade 9, while Modern Foreign Languages are clearly thriving at the school: 10 pupils achieved the highest possible grade 9 in their languages GCSEs, including Russian which, along with Mandarin, is new to the school this year.

Headmaster Paul Smith is delighted with the students’ results: “Staff and pupils have worked very hard to take on board the requirements of new examination specifications in so many different subject areas. My congratulations to the pupils on their results and special thanks to all the teachers for their efforts in ensuring pupils were well taught and prepared. It is always pleasing to see pupils achieve their potential, and have their efforts justly recognised.”

GCSE results

GCSE results

GCSE results