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Hereford Cathedral School is launching the BTEC Sport qualification from September 2019.

The course is aimed at those who are considering a career in the sports and leisure industry. The Sport BTEC offers a balance of theoretical and practical study to help pupils develop their understanding and skills.

The qualification offers a range of topics including anatomy and physiology, CPD in the sports and leisure industry, and sports leadership. Pupils can choose from National Extended Certificate (equivalent to one A-Level) or National Diploma (equivalent to two A-Levels). The BTEC in Sport is highly regarded by employers and widely accepted by top universities, including Bath, Loughborough and Durham.

HCS Headmaster Mr Smith said: “We have been encouraged to move away from A-Level PE as a result of the increased accessibility that BTEC qualifications offers to a broad range of students, and the fact that the Sports BTEC qualification is highly regarded by all universities offering Sports Science related degrees.
“Our sports staff are well qualified to deliver the BTEC curriculum and, with its greater emphasis on individual performance, we feel that the School’s strong emphasis on extra-curricular sport will greatly facilitate our students’ ability to achieve their potential and gain good grades.”

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