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Hereford Cathedral School Sixth Former Seyi A has opened up a whole world of opportunity after being awarded an Arkwright Scholarship.      
The Arkwright Scholarship supports students’ interests in STEM-related professions in a variety of ways – funding projects, industry mentorship, work experience and career advice.

For her application, Seyi submitted a project and portfolio based around robotics. It used code and electronics to react to and interpret human senses.

Seyi will receive £600 to purchase components and materials for her chosen project. The School will also receive £400 to support STEM learning. 

HCS Headmaster Mr Paul Smith commented: “Congratulations to Seyi on being awarded an Arkwright Scholarship. Seyi is a very talented all-rounder, excelling in academic achievement as well as extra-curricular activities. Like her predecessors who have won this award, I am sure that she will go on to achieve great things in the future and we shall watch her progress with interest.

Seyi is currently studying A-Levels in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry, after achieving a staggering 12 grade 9s in her GCSEs earlier this year.