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A group of Hereford Cathedral School pupils have won the regional final of a French pop video competition organised by the Institut Francais, and are now gearing up for the national final. 

Year 11 pupil Dimity S created the song J’en ai Marre (English translation: I’m Fed Up) – a sweet and catchy tune with French lyrics about a young person’s experience of lockdown. Year 12 pupil Laura K played the trumpet, while Quinn P, Annabel L-B, Natalie T and Beren G helped create the song’s video.  

The group have scooped an £80 National Book Token as their prize for winning the Midlands final, and are now in with a chance of clinching the competition’s national prize. The other regional winners can be viewed here.


A jury will determine the best videos in the three age-categories UK-wide, with national winners to be announced during a live event on Wednesday 23 June at 7pm, at the Institut Français du Royaume-Uni.  

Bonne chance to the team for the national final tomorrow!