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Artwork created by a Hereford Cathedral Junior School teacher has been selected to feature alongside a forthcoming exhibition by eminent artist Grayson Perry at Hereford Museum and Art Gallery.

Drama teacher Mrs Heather Walker is thrilled that her three paintings of butterflies and bees have been picked to go on display as part of the community collection that will run concurrently with Turner prize winner Grayson Perry’s ‘The Vanity of Small Differences’ exhibition. The work will be on show between 9 October and 18 December. 

Perry’s exhibition will feature six large-scale tapestries, which highlight the British obsession with class and taste. 

Mrs Walker (pictured below) has over the years inspired HCJS pupils with her creative flair, through the creation of many plays, featuring original music and colourful props. She rekindled her love of painting during lockdown and shared her first creation with her form class. The response she received from her pupils and their parents was so enthusiastic that it encouraged her to continue with her hobby and produce two more pieces. 


Heather Walker



After submitting her portfolio, Mrs Walker’s paintings were chosen for inclusion in the exhibition.

She commented: “I am very excited that the organisers of the Grayson Perry exhibition wanted to display the work alongside other local artists. I hope it may raise awareness for some of our more threatened butterfly species whilst also teaching children to learn and recognise some of our more common butterfly and bee species that we are lucky enough to have living in Herefordshire.”

Grayson Perry: The Vanity of Small Differences
9 October to 18 December 2021 at Hereford Art Gallery
•    Tuesday to Saturday 10am – 4pm
•    Adults £5, students with ID and under 18s free 
