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Congratulations to Hereford Cathedral School pupil Kyro H, who has been sworn in as Junior Mayor of Hereford for 2022/23. 

The Year 9 pupil said he was looking forward to “embracing the challenge” of his new role.

Kyro (pictured above centre) said he applied for Junior Mayor because he wanted to be a part of Hereford’s community. “It’s a really nice city,” he added.

The 13-year-old said he believes Herefordshire has a great deal to offer young people, and that more should be done to encourage youngsters to enjoy the county’s impressive countryside.

There was a strong Hereford Cathedral School contingent in the running for this year’s Junior Mayor: Year 12 pupil Ioan O also threw his hat in the ring, as did Year 8 pupil, Toby P (pictured above left). So impressive was Toby’s application, that the Junior Mayor judges have since invited him to sit on Hereford’s Youth Council. 

Headmaster Dr Gray commented: “I am so delighted that Kyro has been appointed as Hereford’s next Junior Mayor. Kyro typifies the values-based, people-centred, servant-leadership that we instil in our pupils. He will serve with great enthusiasm and energy as he engages with the wide range of important matters that are facing our young people and our wider community.”

Covid regulations permitting, Kyro will hopefully be seen in his impressive gown and hat at Hereford events during the coming year. 

Having joined Hereford Cathedral School in September, Kyro said the school community had been very welcoming, and he praised his helpful teachers.

Kyro is following in the footsteps of Hereford Cathedral School pupil Anna D, who was Junior Mayor of Hereford in 2018, and is now an active member of Hereford Youth Council.