At Hereford Cathedral School, we are firm believers in the value of young people gaining hands-on experience, soaking up different cultures and preparing for an increasingly globalised world. We believe that this is an essential component of being real-world ready.

Whether your child would like to explore their passion, extend their learning or add to their CV, we offer a year-round programme of excursions that are both enjoyable and educational. From taking to the pistes on our ever-popular annual ski trip, hiking the Pyrenees or scuba diving amongst the volcanic rock formations of the Canary Islands, there’s an expedition for everyone.

Not only has our daughter gained a new skill [on the scuba diving trip to Lanzarote] but she's benefitted from a week of character building and leadership development. Her friendships have strengthened and she enjoyed time with all three teachers who fostered such a secure but stretching environment.

It reflects just how well HCS creates opportunities to make our young people world ready.

Senior School parent

Meanwhile, many of our pupils choose to deepen their knowledge with subject-related trips, including the Business Studies and Economics departments’ regular visits to New York, language immersion trips in Salamanca and Montpellier and tours of the glaciers and frozen waterfalls of Iceland for our geographers.

Each trip is led by a team of trusted and experienced staff who have visited that destination many times before, ensuring your child’s safety and emotional wellbeing.