We want every child at HCS to feel happy, fulfilled and motivated to achieve their best.

Our comprehensive pastoral system includes a structured support network that ensures every pupil feels valued and supported during their time with us.

Our team of Form Tutors, Heads of Year and boarding staff, are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment. Working together with our families, we are able to address concerns and challenges, and provide the emotional support needed to help our pupils thrive academically and personally.

Who will support my child?

  • Form Tutor
  • Head of Year
  • Boarding staff
  • School Nurses & School Counsellor
  • Head of Learning Skills
  • Designated Safeguarding Leads

Alongside Form Tutors, our Heads of Year and Designated Safeguarding Leads support and oversee the wellbeing and safety of our pupils. We also have two School Nurses and an in- School Counsellor. All teachers are available for our pupils to speak to, and the pupils know they can raise concerns with any member of staff.

A community of kindness

At HCS, kindness is not just a value, it's a way of life. Our pupils embody our core values of kindness, courage, and integrity, forming a close-knit community where looking out for one another is second nature. Through acts of compassion and empathy, students uphold these values, creating a positive and supportive atmosphere where everyone feels respected and appreciated for who they are.

A holistic education

We take a holistic approach to education with a curriculum that includes Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education. In addition to regular PSHE lessons, we also dedicate specific time during form periods on ‘Well-being Wednesdays’. From Year 7 to Year 13, these sessions provide pupils with valuable opportunities to explore topics related to mental health, relationships, and personal development, empowering them with essential life skills to navigate the complexities of adolescence and beyond.

Our School’s chapel services in the Cathedral serve as spaces for reflection, discussion, and spiritual growth. Covering a range of thought-provoking topics brought to the pupils by teaching staff, visiting speakers and also by the students themselves, these sessions encourage our young people to contemplate deeper questions about life, purpose, and ethics.

House spirit

The house structure at HCS is designed to foster unity, camaraderie, and healthy competition among the pupils. On arrival, pupils are allocated a house – Cornwall, Langford, Somerset or Stuart – of which they remain a part throughout their time at the School.

Through a system of inter-house events and activities, pupils develop a strong sense of belonging and pride in their respective houses. As the pupils collaborate on activities ranging from Sports Day to the House Shout (our annual singing competition), bonds are strengthened and lifelong friendships formed.

Supporting each other

Recognising the importance of peer support, we empower pupils to take an active role in supporting their peers’ well-being. Through our peer mentorship programme, students receive guidance and support from older pupils who have been trained to provide assistance and encouragement. Additionally, our Sixth Form ‘Well-being ambassadors’ promote a culture of support and collegiality, exploring new and innovative ways to enhance the well-being of all pupils.