No two days are alike at Hereford Cathedral School Nursery. While we believe children thrive on familiarity, each morning, our little people are put at ease by our trusted staff and reassuring Nursery setting, before embarking on a dynamic daily programme of activities they’ll be keen to tell you about at pickup.

Our Nursery is open Monday to Friday during term-time with wraparound care available. Please ask for more details from our Admissions team.


Our Nursery timetable offers rich learning opportunities both through play and focused teaching, inspiring a love of learning at the earliest possible stage.

The seven areas of the Early Years Foundational Stage are at the heart of our wide and vibrant curriculum, easing your child’s path towards the Reception stage. Yet we also commit time to activities that tap into each child’s personal interests, sparking the passions that will grow during their journey through the School.

Mornings at the Nursery see our children form groups for self-initiated play and curriculum-based tasks. Your child might learn their first words in a foreign language or play their first musical notes with a visiting specialist, before circle time puts the focus on sounds, numbers, stories, rhymes and discussions of our weekly topic.


Each lunchtime, children are invited to the school dining hall to choose from our menu of nutritious hot or cold meals (alongside the option of a packed lunch). Enjoying their food with each other and our staff in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, helps our children develop a positive attitude to food as they become little adventurers who love to try new tastes and textures.


Refreshed and refuelled, our young people then throw themselves into an afternoon of activities that take them all over the school and further afield into the community. Perhaps your child will discover stories at a local library, visit the Sports Hall for music, movement and games, or plant and dig fresh vegetables in the Headmaster’s garden. Or maybe they’ll take a muddy welly walk, learn to identify wildlife on a nature outing or explore the local Hereford city landmarks on our doorstep, including idyllic Castle Green and the iconic Cathedral.


The Nursery day is always active, and PE is part of the timetable right from the start. Our Nursery children benefit from our school facilities, venturing over to our Sports Hall for fun, active sessions where they can safely develop their physical, balance and movement skills.